Amazon/Facebook Advertising Specialist - Fiends Media - Barcelona

Publicado por Fiends Media - Particular

10 Ene - 14:31

08003, Barcelona, Barcelona España

Oferta de empleo como Amazon/Facebook Advertising Specialist en Fiends Media, Barcelona, Barcelona

Publicada el: 29 Nov 2023 - 12:28
Nombre de la empresa: Fiends Media
Número de trabajadores: 2

Sede central en: Barcelona

Descripción de la empresa

Fiends Media is a boutique marketing agency with a penchant for books, authors and the literary community. We’re a global team of marketing experts based in Barcelona, Vancouver, Paris and Manila. We’re obsessed with helping you connect with readers who are obsessed with your writing.


Población: Barcelona
Código Postal: 08003
Provincia: Barcelona
País: España


Puesto vacante: Amazon/Facebook Advertising Specialist

Categorías: Marketing y comunicación - Marketing

Nivel: Empleado/a
Personal a cargo: 0
Número de vacantes: 1

Descripción de la oferta: Position Type: This is a full time, remote position.
Description: As a Digital Marketing Specialist that has proven experience with the Amazon Marketing System and Facebook Advertising Platform you will work as part of the digital marketing team to initiate effective digital marketing campaigns.
Location: This is a remote position.
Planning the creation and deployment of ad campaigns for eBooks, paperback, hardcover and audiobooks on the AMS and Facebook platforms.
Daily optimization and analysis to improve ad results week over week, month over month.
Submitting weekly analytics reports and discussing results.
Making high level decisions about where to increase/decrease budgets in order to achieve optimal ROI.
Perform market research on effective targeting for all titles advertised.
Creating a database of keyword and ASIN target lists that will be effective for titles within each of the genres of books Fiends Media markets.
Maintaining a high level of knowledge on the ever-changing publishing industry and best practices for digital advertising on AMS and Facebook.
Perform ongoing research/testing for growth and scale of campaigns.
Overseeing other digital marketing efforts such as BookBub ads.
Min. Bachelor’s degree in business, communications, marketing, or a related field (or equivalent work experience).
Minimum 3 years of Amazon advertising experience.
Minimum 3 years of Facebook advertising experience.
Expert level understanding of Amazon and Facebook advertising practices: you know all the targeting options like the back of your hand.
Experience managing large budgets and effectively deploying across hundreds of campaigns simultaneously.
Excellent written and verbal communication skills and must have a thorough understanding of AMS and Facebook ads management and strategy.
Experience using various analytics software.
Multi-tasking and time-management skills, with the ability to prioritize tasks.
Ability to work in a fast-paced, high-pressure environment.
Experience/knowledge of the publishing industry a plus.


Estudios mínimos: Sin estudios
Experiencia mínima: Al menos 3 años
Imprescindible residente en: (Seleccionar)


Tipo de contrato: Indefinido
Jornada laboral: Completa


Salario: 1.600 €- 2.000 € Bruto/mes

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