Growth manager - Merlin Digital Partner - Barcelona

Publicado por Merlin Digital Partner - Particular

09 Ene - 01:31

08039, Barcelona, Barcelona España

Oferta de empleo como Growth manager en Merlin Digital Partner, Barcelona, Barcelona

Publicada el: 20 Nov 2023 - 22:16
Nombre de la empresa: Merlin Digital Partner
Número de trabajadores: 15

Sede central en: Barcelona

Descripción de la empresa

Merlin Digital Partner Merlin Digital Partner, con más de una década de experiencia, somos una consultoría líder en la captación de talento IT & digital. A lo largo de los años, hemos podido escalar grandes referentes como Wallapop, Glovo, Banc Sabadell o Factorial, entre otros.

Enfocados en humanizar y agilizar los procesos de selección, nuestro objetivo es transformar empresas mediante la incorporación del mejor talento. Nos caracterizamos por sumergirnos a fondo en la realidad de cada uno de nuestros partners, comprendiendo sus necesidades, pero también su esencia.


Población: Barcelona
Código Postal: 08039
Provincia: Barcelona
País: España


Puesto vacante: Growth manager

Categorías: Marketing y comunicación - Marketing

Departamento: Marketing

Nivel: Mando intermedio
Personal a cargo: 1 - 5
Número de vacantes: 1

Descripción de la oferta: We are Merlin Digital Partner! A leading IT and digital headhunting company who stands out from the crowd, boasting over a decade of experience. We've successfully collaborated and played a pivotal role in the growth of industry heavyweights such as Wallapop, Glovo, Banc Sabadell, and Factorial, among others.

Our emphasis lies in people-centric approaches and optimizing the selection processes. Our mission is to revolutionize companies by seamlessly integrating top-tier talent. What sets us apart is our in-depth understanding of each partner (being their best influencer!), addressing not only their needs but also capturing their essence

Our partner is a variable compensation platform that helps companies align their goals and incentives with their employees by automating all aspects of sales commission plans.
It's a modern commission management platform that enables data-driven decision-making, maximizes performance, and motivates and retains the best talent.

The Role:

- Build and execute a growth strategy plan to acquire more users, monetize better, and retain them.

- Build scalable growth plans that connect marketing initiatives with business development pipelines, driving new lead generation that results in reaching acquisition targets.

- Oversee the growth department's budget, ensuring optimal allocation, performance, and acceptable ROI level.

- Define and maintain a KPI dashboard to track growth, identifying levers to accelerate and optimize it.

- Knowledge about all marketing outcomes and pertinent sales data, generating detailed reports and presenting insights to the Management team.

- Ensure alignment and synergy between Marketing, and B2B Sales teams, fostering a cohesive growth strategy.

What we expect from you:

- University degree in Marketing, Business, or a related field.

- At least 5 years of experience in a similar role focused on growth.

- Experience working in a startup environment.

- Experience in SaaS - B2B product.

- Strong leadership skills.

- Fluency in English / Spanish

- Experience in navigating and driving growth in startups during their hypergrowth phase
Competence in using data analysis tools to drive strategic decision-making.

- An excellent communicator.

- Thrives in a fast-paced and dynamic environment.

- Results and metrics-oriented individual


- Exciting opportunity to take part in a startup.

- You'll be a key player in our company's next growth stage.

- Great work atmosphere emphasizing teamwork, accountability, service, and fearlessness.

Are you ready to be part of the challenge? Contact us!


Estudios mínimos: Licenciatura
Experiencia mínima: Más de 5 años
Imprescindible residente en: Provincia Puesto Vacante


Tipo de contrato: Indefinido
Jornada laboral: Completa
Horario: L-V


Salario: 50.000 €- 60.000 € Bruto/año

Comisiones: Plan de Carrera

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Ref del anuncio : BCN-A451829

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