Online Data Analyst - Spanish Speaker (Work From Home) - GLOBAL LOHENGRIN SL - Lérida

Publicado por GLOBAL LOHENGRIN SL - Particular

15 Nov 2023 - 10:31

28002, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid España

Oferta de empleo como Online Data Analyst - Spanish Speaker (Work From Home) en GLOBAL LOHENGRIN SL, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid

Publicada el: Wednesday, 25 Oct - 09:23
Nombre de la empresa: GLOBAL LOHENGRIN SL
Número de trabajadores: 500

Sede central en: Madrid

Descripción de la empresa

About TELUS International: Creating and enhancing the worlds data to enable better AI via human intelligence.

We help companies test and improve machine learning models via our global AI Community of 1 million+ annotators and linguists. Our proprietary AI training platform handles all data types (text, images, audio, video and geo) across 500+ languages and dialects. Our AI Data Solutions vastly enhance AI systems across a range of applications from advanced smart products, to better search results, to expanded speech recognition, to more human-like bot interactions and so much more.


Población: Alcalá de Henares
Código Postal: 28002
Provincia: Madrid
País: España


Puesto vacante: Online Data Analyst - Spanish Speaker (Work From Home)

Categorías: Informática y telecomunicaciones - Análisis

Nivel: Becario/a - Prácticas
Personal a cargo: (Seleccionar)
Número de vacantes: 1000

Descripción de la oferta: Description and Requirements
TELUS International AI-Data Solutions partners with a diverse and vibrant community to help our customers enhance their AI and machine learning models. The work of our AI Community contributes to improving technology and the digital experiences of many people around the world. Our AI Community works in our proprietary AI training platform handling all data types (text, images, audio, video and geo) across 500+ languages and dialects.

We offer flexible work-from-home opportunities for people with passion for languages. The jobs are part-time, and there is no fixed schedule. Whoever you are, wherever you come from, come join our global AI community.

We are hiring freelance English and Spanish speaking Online Data Analysts for a project aimed at improving the content and quality of digital maps, which are used by millions of users globally. The job would suit someone who is detail-oriented, likes doing research and has a good knowledge of national and local geography.

This is a freelance position on a flexible schedule - you can work in your own time whenever work is available. You will be completing research and evaluation tasks in a web-based environment, eg verifying and comparing data, determining the relevance and accuracy of information. You will be provided with guidelines for each task, which need to be followed. The project offers a variety of tasks, and work is paid per task.


Full Professional Proficiency in English and Spanish
You must be living in Spain the last 2 consecutive years
Ability to follow guidelines and do research online using search engines, online maps and website information
You must have familiarity with current and historical business, media, sport, news, social media and cultural affairs in Spain
Being open to work across a diverse set of Task Types (e.g. Maps, News, Audio tasks, Relevance)
Applicants must be 18 years or over.
Working on this project will require you to go through a standard recruitment process (including passing an open book assessment). This is a long-term project and your work will occasionally be subject to quality assurance checks.

Why Join the TELUS International AI Community?

Earn extra income
Access to our community wellbeing initiative
Remote work & Location Independence
Be your own boss
Flexible Hours to fit in with your lifestyle
Be a part of an online community
Additional Job Description
We are hiring freelance English & Spanish speaking Online Data Analyst's for a project aimed at improving the content and quality of digital maps, which are used by millions of users globally. The job would suit someone who is detail-oriented, likes doing research and has a good knowledge of national and local geography.
EEO Statement
At TELUS International, we enable customer experience innovation through spirited teamwork, agile thinking, and a caring culture that puts customers first. TELUS International is the global arm of TELUS Corporation, one of the largest telecommunications service providers in Canada. We deliver contact center and business process outsourcing (BPO) solutions to some of the world's largest corporations in the consumer electronics, finance, telecommunications and utilities sectors. With global call center delivery capabilities, our multi-shore, multi-language programs offer safe, secure infrastructure, value-based pricing, skills-based resources and exceptional customer service - all backed by TELUS, our multi-billion dollar telecommunications parent.

Equal Opportunity Employer

At TELUS International, we are proud to be an equal opportunity employer and are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace. All aspects of employment, including the decision to hire and promote, are based on applicants' qualifications, merits, competence and performance without regard to any characteristic related to di


Estudios mínimos: Ciclo Formativo Grado Superior
Experiencia mínima: No Requerida
Imprescindible residente en: (Seleccionar)


Tipo de contrato: A tiempo parcial
Jornada laboral: Indiferente
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Publicado por P Rodriguez Ana 

Lérida   Otras ofertas Empleos

12 Mar 2021 - 18:09