Publicado por Revolut LTD - Particular

25 Ene - 18:31

00000, Madrid, Madrid España

Oferta de empleo como PEOPLE SPECIALIST (PERFORMANCE OPERATIONS) en Revolut LTD, Madrid, Madrid

Publicada el: 21 Dec 2023 - 16:07
Nombre de la empresa: Revolut LTD
Número de trabajadores: 500

Sede central en: Polonia

Descripción de la empresa

Revolut LTD From your everyday spending, to planning for your future with savings and investments, Revolut helps you get more from your money.


Población: Madrid
Código Postal: 00000
Provincia: Madrid
País: España



Categorías: Recursos humanos - Relaciones laborales

Nivel: Mando intermedio
Personal a cargo: (Seleccionar)
Número de vacantes: 1

Descripción de la oferta: About the role
   The Revolut People team is pivotal to how we support our people and manage   a seamless experience for them each day. From on-boarding flows to line   manager coaching and development, our goal is to create a partnership with   our teams that is people-centric and value-adding. Put simply, we come to   work to create a fantastic experience that our people love and that starts   from the very first point we connect with our new joiners ?

   We're looking for a People Specialist for our performance operations team   to provide the greatest support to our employees ?? Someone who'll deliver   everyday HR tasks globally. A professional who'll keep the employment life   cycle at Revolut running smoothly and happily. An experienced and passionate   individual who loves to grow and assist others do same ?

   Up for the challenge? Let's get in touch ?

What you'll be doing
   - Supporting line managers and employees through performance management   processes including PIP and probation
   - Working with managers to ensure probation and PIP processes have the   correct controls and that employee experience of these processes is   good
   - Coordinating end to end lifecycle operations including off=boarding   processes
   - Working with Line managers and employees to ensure their off-boarding   experience is top quality
   - Responding to employee queries about anything performance related from   their review eligibility right through to their succession path
   - Preparing HR documentation and maintaining HR records
   - Working with your team leader to constantly improve and innovate   processes to ensure efficiency and effectiveness


Estudios mínimos: Máster
Experiencia mínima: No Requerida
Imprescindible residente en: (Seleccionar)
Requisitos mínimos: What you'll need
   - Experience working with SLA's and other measurable performance   metrics
   - HR administration experience
   - Critical thinking and the ability to manage competing priorities in order   to meet the needs of stakeholders
   - Good understanding of employment law

Nice to have
   - Working knowledge of local employment law and HR Practices


Tipo de contrato: Indefinido
Jornada laboral: Completa
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Publicado por P Rodriguez Ana 

Lérida   Otras ofertas Empleos

12 Mar 2021 - 18:09