Diseñador de Viajes de Lujo en Tour Operador - TITANIUM TOURS SL. - Tarragona

Publicado por TITANIUM TOURS SL. - Particular

22 Mayo 2023 - 22:31

11500, El Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz España

Oferta de empleo como Diseñador de Viajes de Lujo en Tour Operador en TITANIUM TOURS SL., El Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz

Publicada el: Monday, 27 Mar - 18:51
Nombre de la empresa: TITANIUM TOURS SL.
Número de trabajadores: 2

Sede central en: Cádiz

Descripción de la empresa

Tour operador de golf. Somos especialistas en organización de viajes de lujo de golf en paquetes de todo incluido.


Población: El Puerto de Santa María
Código Postal: 11500
Provincia: Cádiz
País: España


Puesto vacante: Diseñador de Viajes de Lujo en Tour Operador

Categorías: Turismo y restauración - Turismo

Nivel: Empleado/a
Personal a cargo: (Seleccionar)
Número de vacantes: 2

Descripción de la oferta: Award Winning Destination Management Company / Tour Operator is looking for travel designers to join our team in Spain. Titanium Tours has offices in El Puerto de Santa Maria, Cádiz, and in Bedminster, New Jersey USA.

+What the job is like?
You will have your own set of clients (Travel Agencies in US and Canada) with whom to build a relationship. These clients will send you requests for FIT itineraries and you will build and price these itineraries. Itineraries contain private tours, transfers, hotels, yacht charters, cooking classes, etc.

We build itineraries from Monday to Friday with a flexible schedule. On weekends if there's an emergency we also respond to text requests.

You will work from home and we will give you access to several web tools that make building the itineraries and following up on guests on the ground easy.

+What we are looking for?
Graduate with Tourism degree. 2 Years of experience in front desk 5-star hotel or travel agency. Command of the English language. C level preferred. French will also be valued. A detailed person who understands luxury clients.

+What will make you successful with us?
If you speak and write very good English.
If you pay a lot of attention to detail.
If you can juggle many itineraries at once.
If you enjoy keeping your clients happy and building relationships with them.

+What we can give you?
Base salary (Convenio Agencias de Viajes) based on experience + commissions on the itineraries that you book.
Flexible schedule.
Work from Home.
Training in person at our office in Puerto de Santa Maria, Cádiz.

PLEASE make sure you answer the questions in the Tell Us About Yourself Questionnaire! Thank you!!


Estudios mínimos: Diplomatura
Experiencia mínima: Al menos 2 años
Imprescindible residente en: (Seleccionar)
Requisitos mínimos: Ideally you have experience as front desk agent or manager in a 5 star hotel.


Tipo de contrato: Indefinido
Jornada laboral: Completa
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