Community Manager & Content Creator Trainee - SMART ROOMS COMPANY SL. - Barcelona

Publicado por SMART ROOMS COMPANY SL. - Particular

13 Mar - 23:31

08003, Barcelona, Barcelona España

Oferta de empleo como Community Manager & Content Creator Trainee en SMART ROOMS COMPANY SL., Barcelona, Barcelona

Publicada el: Wednesday, 31 Jan - 20:56
Nombre de la empresa: SMART ROOMS COMPANY SL.
Número de trabajadores: 250

Sede central en: Barcelona

Descripción de la empresa

SMART ROOMS COMPANY SL. Empresa especializada en el sector de alojamientos turísticos. Gestionamos y conceptualizamos espacios con el objetivo de ofertar experiencias y vivencias únicas que van más allá de simples alojamientos. Desde 2012 apostamos por la excelencia, diferenciándonos por haber desarrollado un portfolio de marcas lifestyle. Maximizamos la cadena de valor de las inversiones inmobiliarias.


Población: Barcelona
Código Postal: 08003
Provincia: Barcelona
País: España


Puesto vacante: Community Manager & Content Creator Trainee

Categorías: Turismo y restauración - Hostelería

Departamento: Marketing

Nivel: Becario/a - Prácticas
Personal a cargo: 0
Número de vacantes: 1

Descripción de la oferta: The mission of Smart Rooms Company is to bring happiness to people through project management related to the tourism sector, following these values:

WOW!: We love originality and strive to surprise in every detail. We work from creativity, active marketing, and continuous innovation.
CONSCIOUS: We aim to improve the world through responsibility and sustainability. We implement and collaborate on social responsibility projects to contribute actively.
HONEST: We act ethically, making decisions consistent with our culture. We prioritize transparency in our actions and communication.
PASSION: We give our best in every challenge, having fun when putting ideas into action.
TEAM: We create together to achieve a shared goal where every opinion matters.

Currently, we operate accommodations and restaurants in cities such as Barcelona, Madrid, Sevilla, Miami, Bogota, Chía and Lima with the brands Yurbban, UMA Suites, and The Spot. We are continually seeking talent as we want to have the best profiles passionate about the sector, with know-how that allows us to achieve goals and fulfill our mission of "creating accommodation experiences that exceed our customers' expectations."

As a CM & CC, you will support all creative processes related to the company's brands to develop, refine, and communicate authentic lodging concepts. You will create relevant and engaging content for the different demand segments we target, as well as identify and manage partnerships related to our brands.

Main Responsibilities:
Support in the generation and curation of content of interest for the different brands and their main audiences.
Support in the management of our social media, posting and replying to the commets, and engage with our audience.
Developing and creating content plans and branding for social media.
Knowledge of the major social media platforms and online trends (Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, YouTube).
Creating compelling narratives that captivate and engage our audience.
Recording, editing, and publishing content with the support of creative department.
Contacting brands & influencers for possible collaborations.
Provide support in the design of the calendar of events and activities, and support in their execution.
Continuous search for trends in the hotel and restaurant sector, as well as the latest in the cultural scene in the cities where we are present.

Skills and requirements:
Training in marketing, communication and/or advertising.
Strong communication skills and creative thinking.
Videography and photography skills.
Have a background or keen interest in graphic design.
Native Spanish and Catalan. High level English.
Interest in the hospitality sector.
Proactive, flexible and team player.
Portfolio/website or book of both.

What we offer:
Joining a young company involved with the welfare of employees.
Possibility of a career plan within the Company.
Training and continuous innovation.
Periodic afterworks.
Part-time flexible.
6 months or more


Estudios mínimos: Grado
Experiencia mínima: No Requerida
Imprescindible residente en: Provincia Puesto Vacante


Tipo de contrato: Formativo
Duración: 20 h
Jornada laboral: Parcial - Indiferente
Horario: Lunes a viernes
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