Customer service representative - AFRICA TOUR VISA S.L. - Cerdanyola del Vallès

Publicado por AFRICA TOUR VISA S.L. - Particular

18 Feb - 17:31

08290, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona España

Oferta de empleo como Customer service representative en AFRICA TOUR VISA S.L., Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona

Publicada el: Sunday, 21 Jan - 15:43
Nombre de la empresa: AFRICA TOUR VISA S.L.
Número de trabajadores: 1

Sede central en: Barcelona

Descripción de la empresa

Africa Tour Visa is a full service agency and sells standard travel agency goods and services, including travel packages. Additional services include assistance with visa process, providing access to top-of-the-line equipment and supplies, and a superior offering that includes access to better than average terrain and activities.


Población: Cerdanyola del Vallès
Código Postal: 08290
Provincia: Barcelona
País: España


Puesto vacante: Customer service representative

Categorías: Informática y telecomunicaciones - Administración de bases de datos

Nivel: Becario/a - Prácticas
Personal a cargo: 1 - 5
Número de vacantes: 1

Descripción de la oferta: We are looking for an Internship position to assist our customer service team, mainly daily task is to process the order and assist our client via email only. it must be at least 6 months internship and applicant must have student resident card in Spain legally.
100% English in reading and writing and speaking.
Good computer skills, such as how to use Gmail, processing orders via website, filling forms via webpages.At least it should be meeting the standard typing speed.
After 4 weeks training, should be able to process the order independently.
At least ,University students, graduate or above.
Positive attitude , and willing to learn.
Job location is at Cerdanyola del Valles.Spain, preferring live close by.
Valid resident permit, either Student or working resident is a MUST.
Preferable skills: Javascript would be a big plus, as this can be for future internal transaction position to tech team.
Students who in the final year need an internship hours to complete the studies is first consider and willing to reach agreement with University,
We open to all race and religion as the most important thing in our business and company culture, we are looking for open minded and honest member to join our team and grow with us.
Company Benefit
It is a paid internship to support transportation and other expenses.
Free coffees and teas
The internship might be extendable if the students performance in the end meet up our target KPIs.


Estudios mínimos: Licenciatura
Experiencia mínima: No Requerida
Imprescindible residente en: (Seleccionar)


Tipo de contrato: Otros contratos
Jornada laboral: Indiferente
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Ref del anuncio : BCN-A453233

Ofertas de Trabajo - Empleo Otras ofertas Empleos

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