
Personalized internet ads assessor ai - spain (catalan language) - Sitges

Personalized internet ads assessor ai - spain (catalan language)

Publicado por Menendez Valentina - Particular

24 Ene 2022 - 12:49

Sitges, Barcelona, BCN

We are looking for dynamic people who have strong communication skills and use the Internet daily. You should also be flexible, reliable and have the ability to interpret and follow established guidelines. You will need to have the flexibility and freedom to work from your own home, working your own hours. Hours for this opportunity are up to 20 hours per week depending on task availability.

What are the main requirements for the opportunity?
-You must be living in Spain for the last 3 consecutive years.
-You must have familiarity with current and historical business, media, sport, news, social media and cultural affairs in Spain.
-Fluency in English and the Catalan language.
-Access to and use of a broadband internet connection and associated computer and software to perform the work, all provided at your own expense.
-Experience in use of web browsers to navigate and interact with a variety of content.
-Access to and use of an Android (version 4.1 or higher) or IOS Smartphone (version 8 or higher) to complete tasks.
-A Barcode Scanner application must be installed on your smartphone to complete certain tasks.
-Active daily user of Gmail and other forms of Social Media
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Ref del anuncio : BCN-A371469 computer

Ofertas de Trabajo - Empleo Marketing y Comunicación

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